Lt. Francis Schwarzenbek KIA

(Dec. 4, 1942) -- Lt. Francis Xavier 'Bart' Schwarzenbek, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Schwarzenbek of North Road, has been killed in action "over enemy territory."

Originally reported missing as of Oct. 21, he was a veteran of three near crash landings, two as a result of Fortress forays over France.

The flyer leaves his wife, the former Miss Alma Jane Lindgren and son, Bart Francis who was born about four months after the flyer was killed in action.

From The Nutley Sun

Oct. 30, 1942 - First Casualties of War/Lt. Francis K. Schwarzenbek/Reported Missing

Dec. 4, 1942 - Killed In Action/Lt. Francis K. Schwarzenbek

American Battle Monuments Commission

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Bart Francis (Schwarzenbek) Rice (son)

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