1st Lt. William Nutzel KIA in N. Africa |
![]() 1st Lt. William G. Nutzel Jr., was a member of the 154th Observation Squadron, 68th Observation Group. 68th Air Refueling Wing, Heavy Its primary mission was observation aircraft training and antisubmarine patrols. The group moved to several different U.S. locations in preparation for oversea deployment in 1942. The 68th split into a number of different elements beginning on 22 September 1942. One section moved by ship to England, and then to the invasion of North Africa, while another large section moved directly to North Africa. The group movement finally ended on 2 January 1943, when all of its elements united at Oujda, French Morocco. From here, the group engaged in intensive training and flew antisubmarine patrols in western Mediterranean waters. Late in March 1943, the 68th moved to Beerechid Airfield and trained P-38 and P-39 pilots. On 26 October 1943, the group moved to Massicault Airdrome, Tunisia, where it became little more than a skeleton force. After a move to Blida, Algeria, on 15 June 1944, the group was Combat Chronology of the In Tunisia, B-25's hit the Gabes area, bombing a road junction, motor transport, and troop concentrations. P-40's fly 5 escort missions during the day. British ground forces, after expanding the Oued Zigzaou bridgehead during 21/22 Mar, are severely handicapped by heavy rain. The enemy counter-attacks and forces 50 Division to give ground. Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighters fly numerous reconnaissance and patrol missions while A-20's bomb Mezzouna and fighter-bombers hit motor transport and tanks in the northern Tunisian battle area. In the Mediterranean, B-26's on a sea sweep attack vessels near Zembra Island. In Sicily, B-17's bomb shipping in the harbor at Palermo. The Nutley Sun, April 30, 1943 Army Flyer And Sailor Are American Battle Monuments Commission American Legion Post 70 Memorial
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